Duck Jokes
- What did Scramble predict on Duck Day?
Foul Weather.
- What Holiday Do Irish Ducks celebrate?
St. Quack-trick’s Day.
- Who is Scramble’s favorite President?
Andrew Quack-son, seventh president of the United States.
- What is Scramble’s favorite Fairy Tale?
Quack and the Beanstalk.
- What is Scramble’s favorite Novel?
Moby Duck.
- What is Scramble’s favorite Arcade Game?
- What kind of movies does Scramble watch?
- What does Scramble do on Thanksgiving?
Quack Corn.
- What is Scramble’s favorite Restaurant?
Quacker Barrel.
- What does Scramble eat for Breakfast?
Quack-er Oats.
- Why is Scramble Famous?
Because he is a Celebri-Duck.
- What states “All ducks are created Equal”?
The Duck-laration of Independence.
- When does Scramble make his prediction?
At the Quack of Dawn.
- What does Scramble eat for Snacks?
Cheese and Quackers.
- Where did Scramble tell his prediction?
On the Feather Forecast.
- Where does Scramble go when he is sick?
To the Duck-tor.
- When Scramble went to Stormy Heights Academy, what did he put his School Books in?
His Quack-pack.
- Who stole Scramble’s Soap?
The Robber Ducky! (The Duck-tective Quacked the case.)
- What did Scramble get at the Restaurant?
A Big Bill.
- Where did Scramble share his Jokes?
On his WEB-site.
- What happens when you tell Scramble a Joke?
He quacks up.
- When Scramble was in the Rubber Duck Store he heard this conversation:
Customer: How much does this Duck cost?
Storekeeper: Ten Dollars.
Customer: OK, can you send me the bill?
Storekeeper: No, you'll have to take the whole Duck.
- When Scramble was walking down the street, he met a man and a duck.
The man saw a low flying airplane. He yelled, “Duck!” The Duck looked back and yelled “Man!”
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